
JAKARTA - The Sigi Regency Government, Central Sulawesi, installed a sign in the houses of the recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) to facilitate data collection and distribution of aid to them.

Kadinsos Sigi Regency, Ariyanto said, the installation of signs in the homes of PKH recipients was a sign that they were registered as PKH participants.

"So that social assistance when distributed is right on target, as well as other social assistance can be distributed to people who are not registered in PKH," said Ariyanto, Friday, July 29.

Ariyanto described the number of recipients of PKH Phase II in 2022 in Sigi Regency as many as 10,830 families.

"Based on the results of data verification and validation, 10,830 are entitled to receive PKH assistance for phase II. Currently, phase II PKH distribution has begun," said Ariyanto quoted from Antara.

The Sigi Social Service, assisted by PKH Facilitators in each region, has installed 864 signposts in 864 houses out of the total number of PKH beneficiary families.

Monitoring in Lolu Village, Sigi Biromaru District, Friday (29/7), the Social Service Sigi together with PKH Facilitator and TP-PKK Chair Sigi Azizah Irwan Lapatta installed PKH signs in four PKH beneficiary families' homes.

In the installation of the board, Azizah Irwan Lapatta together with the Head of the Social Service Sigi Ariyanto also provided a PKH card and saw firsthand the condition of the residence of the beneficiary's family.

He explained that there were seven categories that were directly intervened by the government through PKH, namely the category of pregnant women receiving Rp. 3 million assistance, children aged 0-6 years receiving assistance of Rp. 3 million, elementary school children receiving Rp. 900 thousand, junior high school getting Rp. 1.5 million, high school Rp. 2 million, People with severe disabilities receive PKH assistance of Rp. 2.4 million and the elderly aged 70 years and over Rp. 2.4 as well.

Related to this, the Chairperson of the TP-PKK Sigi Azizah Irwan Lapatta hopes that the PKH beneficiary families use the assistance provided as well as possible.

Azizah said PKH is a national government that aims to alleviate poverty. So that the program in its implementation must be right on target.

"There are indicators that have been determined by the government in PKH, so these indicators should be used as a reference, so that PKH implementation is right on target," he said.

He also said that the local government of Sigi Regency continues to improve the welfare of the community, by taking various program schemes, one of which is through PKH.

"Through Sigi's vision of being competitively agribusiness-based, the government is strongly committed to developing potential sectors for the development of community welfare," said Azizah.

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