
JAKARTA - A youth leader from Tanah Abang, Heru Nuryaman, highlighted the trend of Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) in the Dukuh Atas area, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta, which continues to attract controversy from various circles.

Moreover, the rise of young men dressed as women who took part in the street fashion show made the people of Tanah Abang furious.

"Yes, it's true (the Tenabang residents) refused. Yes (rejected LGBT)," said Heru Nuryaman when confirmed by VOI, Friday, July 29.

Hery even said that the residents of Tanah Abang (Tenabang) have agreed to reject all forms of activity that are allegedly deviating from the cultural order of the Tanah Abang community.

"So reject the things that are done there that are deviant, both from cultural norms, customs and religion," he said.

Hundreds of people who are members of various elements of society, mass organizations, youth leaders, residents and others have also held a meeting at the Tenabang Rukun Guyub activity in the Kebon Melati Area, Tanah Abang.

"Ormas in Tanah Abang have made a statement of attitude, so basically they reject deviant activities in SCBD. We are not rejecting the open space, we are not refusing to express it, not there. But there is deviant behavior there," he said.

Heru explained, the strong rejection by Tenabang residents was because the fashion show had exceeded the existing rules.

"What is vulgar is because it is an open space, so there must be boundaries there," he said.

Previously reported, the fashion show in the Upper Dukuh area began to complain about residents of Kebon Melati Village, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

Residents asked the relevant authorities to immediately disband the CFW event permanently.

Rustiati, a resident of RW 05, said she was very disturbed by the fashion show. The reason is, the activity has the impact of inviting many people, ranging from small children, teenagers to the elderly.

"Residents here are already stifling to see this, we ask for it to be disbanded or permanently stopped," he hoped when asked by reporters, Wednesday, July 27.

Rustiati is also sad to see more and more men dressed as women in the Upper Dukuh area. It is feared that their presence could damage small children in the Kebon Melati area.

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