
KUPANG - Kupang City Police in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) confirmed the ban on two-wheeled riders using racing exhausts in their territory.

Kupang City Police Chief Kombes Pol Rishian Krisna B said that the action against motorists who still used racing exhausts in Kupang was carried out sporadically.

"So in the regular setting up and the officers found out there was a racing exhaust, action was taken immediately. So it wasn't a raid," he said in Kupang, NTT, Friday, July 29.

Krisna, who once served as Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, said that the enforcement of racing motorized vehicles was carried out because of complaints from the public.

The public, he said, were worried about the racing exhaust which caused noise, so action was taken. In addition, the use of racing exhaust is also considered to violate the Traffic and Road Transport Act (LLAJ).

"Action against racing exhaust vehicles will also continue to be carried out until there are no more vehicles using racing exhausts in Kupang City," he said, according to Antara.

He added that enforcement is not only carried out on two-wheeled vehicles, but also on four-wheeled vehicles that use racing exhausts.

Finally, he said last week his party managed to confiscate 146 units of two-wheeled motorized vehicles that use racing exhausts.

A number of residents or road users in Kupang City stated that motorcyclists who use racing exhausts are considered arrogant when on the streets.

"Those who wear racing exhausts look arrogant. I was once driven by a noisy exhaust when the driver suddenly passed beside me," said Lidya, a resident of Kupang.

He also appreciated the efforts of the Kupang City Police who were firm in this regard, although currently there are still some motorists who use racing exhausts.

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