
KUNINGAN - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil invited all regional heads in West Java to come directly to the community to solve the stunting problem in order to accelerate the realization of zero tengkes in the area.

"Let's together make sure West Java is zero stunting. For this reason, the leaders must step down directly," said Kang Emil, Ridwan Kamil's nickname, in Kuningan as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 28.

Kang Emil said that the handling of tengkes needed to be accelerated, while regional heads had to supervise directly so that what was hoped for zero stunting could be realized immediately.

He explained that Indonesia needs a golden generation, namely in 2045, which is really good, so from now on, the problem of tengkes must be handled properly.

Because, continued Kang Emil, when the tengkes is not resolved, future generations will become a burden on the state and will not become a state machine.

"One of the most important things is that the younger generation should not be a burden to the state, but must be a state machine. For this reason, stunting management needs to be accelerated," he said.

Kang Emil said if tengkes continued to dominate and was not eliminated, it was feared that in 100 years of independence, Indonesia would not become a developed country, because it was dominated by the younger generation who failed to grow and failed to think.

For that, he said, from now on stunting must be eradicated so that the younger generation can later rule the world, considering that in 2045 Indonesia is predicted to be the number four country in the world.

"In 2045, the younger generation will be the best, and from now on they need to be prepared," he said.

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