
PADANG - Attorney General Burhanuddin ST asked to accelerate the handling of cases of alleged corruption in the construction of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Pasaman Barat, West Sumatra (Sumbar) 2018-2020 with a budget ceiling of more than Rp. 134 billion.

"The Attorney General is pushing to accelerate the handling of the case which is currently being handled by the team at the West Pasaman District Attorney in order to obtain legal certainty," said the Head of the Attorney General's Legal Information Section, Ketut Sumedana, after accompanying Attorney General Burhanuddin ST's working visit in Padang. .

"Currently it is handled by the investigative team (Kejari Pasaman Barat), later if there are difficulties, for example in calculating audits, the AGO will help coordinate at the central level," he continued.

Sumedana said that during the working visit, Attorney General Burhanuddin ST was focused on boosting the handling of cases by the ranks of the District Attorney's Office and the High Prosecutor's Office in their respective regions.

The case of alleged corruption for the construction project of the local Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for the 2018-2020 budget year, has a funding ceiling of more than Rp. 134 billion.

The West Pasaman Prosecutor's Office, which handles the case, has named two people as suspects, namely a former project commitment maker (PPK) with the initials NI, and a third party or company liaison with the winner of the tender, initials HM.

The case began with the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the planning for the construction of the hospital, which was then followed up by the prosecutor's office with an investigation, as well as examining the physical construction of the hospital.

In the process, the investigation team then found two valid pieces of evidence until finally two people were determined as suspects.

The West Pasaman Kejari investigative team has also assigned the Director of PT MAM Energindo with the initials AA in this case, who is currently being held by the KPK in another case.

In investigating the case, the West Pasaman Kejari collaborated with a team of experts to examine the physical works, and found indications of state losses of Rp. 20,135,806,257, out of a contract value of Rp. 134. 859,961,000 which was carried out by PT MAM Energindo.

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