
JAKARTA - Democrat Party politician Ardi Wirdamulia or Awe criticized the policy of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto who added a number of attributes to the uniforms of his subordinates to be like other law enforcement officers.

According to Awe, in this case Hadi has made a mistake in building steps so that the goal of eradicating the land mafia is achieved.

"This is the wrong way to think it was built," Awe said via his Twitter account, @awemany, Thursday, July 28.

Official ATR/BPN employee uniforms are added with beret marks, ranks, and the use of a commando stick. This effort was made to increase the authority and confidence of ATR/BPN employees in the region so that they would not hesitate to eradicate the land mafia. "The authority and respect is not because of clothes or uniforms," commented Awe.

Awe believes that the Ministry of ATR/BPN should be professional by not violating the rules and being firm with those who violate the law, especially land case syndicates. Integrity that is built by itself will give birth to an attitude of respect from the public.

"From your behavior, sir. If your behavior is commendable, then people are respectful," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the uniforms of employees of the Ministry of ATR/BPN are currently embroidered with beret marks, ranks, and the use of commando sticks.

The innovation was initiated by the Minister of ATR/BPN Hadi Tjahjanto whose realization began at the ATR/BPN National Working Meeting (Rakernas) on Tuesday, July 26.

The use of attributes on the uniforms of employees of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, especially in the regions, is expected to foster authority so that they are brave in eradicating the land mafia.

"If there are Kakanwil and Kakantah officials who have carried out their duties according to procedures and carried out as well as possible, but Kakantah, Kakanwil or employees are criminalized, I will install a body to defend them," said Hadi, quoted from the official website of the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

Hadi explained that the commando baton and beret were used complete with daily official attire with the aim that the Head of the Provincial BPN and Kakantah Regional Offices could be more confident in carrying out their work.

Hadi also hopes that Kakanwil and Kakantah in addition to maintaining authority in carrying out their duties, can also feel equal to other law enforcers.

"The baton and beret are a form of equality [fellow law enforcers]," he said.

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