
JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling Foot and Mouth Diseases (Satgas PMK) reported that 707,580 cows had undergone PMK vaccination.

Based on data from the PMK Task Force quoted in Jakarta, Wednesday, it is known that foot and mouth disease has attacked livestock in 268 regencies/cities from 22 provinces in Indonesia, with the majority attacking cattle.

As of today, there are a total of 430,171 livestock that have contracted the disease, consisting of 220,519 tails that have recovered, 199,188 tails have not recovered, 3,952 tails died and 6,512 tails were slaughtered under certain conditions.

Details of sick livestock are 414,169 cows, 11,314 buffalo, 1,569 sheep, 3,072 goats and 47 pigs.

Meanwhile, the livestock that have been declared cured are 212,086 cows, 5,792 buffalo, 949 sheep, 1,676 goats and 16 pigs.

There were 191,809 cattle, 5,414 buffalo, 605 sheep, 1,329 goats and 31 pigs that had not recovered.

The livestock that were declared dead due to FMD throughout Indonesia consisted of 3,869 cows, 64 buffaloes, eight sheep and 11 goats.

PMK first appeared in East Java which was confirmed on May 5, 2022.

The Task Force for Handling Mouth and Nail Diseases (Satgas PMK) asked the authorities to tighten and discipline those who take advantage of the FMD outbreak situation in livestock.

"We ask the PMK Control Task Force in the regions, Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas to always tighten the supervision and control of those who take personal advantage of this PMK outbreak situation," said the Coordinator of the Expert Team of the Task Force for Handling Mouth and Nail Diseases (Satgas PMK) Wiku Adisasmito. .

Wiku appealed to the PMK Task Force and related officers to implement strict biosecurity security measures, also when on duty in livestock areas.

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