
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is holding a digital forensic and cyber examination related to the shootout that killed Brigadier Nofriansyah Joshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

This was to dig up information from the National Police Laboratory for CCTV and mobile phones belonging to Brigadier J and the inactive Head of the Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Komnas chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said that the digital forensic and cyber examinations were carried out in two sessions. However, he did not specify the two sessions related to any examinations. Taufan only mentioned that Brigadier J and Inspector General Sambo's cellphones were checked in the second session.

"Not yet (HP Inspector General Sambo, ed) will bring the second session. (Brigadier J) in session du, this is session one," said Taufan in his office, Wednesday, July 27.

Taufan hopes that CCTV and cell phone inspections can be completed today. If not, then Komnas HAM will schedule a follow-up meeting.

At around 16.10 WIB, Taufan left his office temporarily to meet with Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.

"This (HP, red) has not been completed. So what has not been resolved, the analysis will be brought back. So, this meeting is still a session one meeting, lah. There will still be a follow-up meeting. Hopefully one more time will be completed, but this one has not finished, I have to go to the office of the Coordinating Minister," he said.

However, Taufan emphasized that Komnas HAM would check the evidence in its own way, not under the direction of the Police. "We will check according to our own opinion. The Forensic Laboratory that came today specifically for communication tools, was temporarily incomplete," he said.

"We're asking for information. We asked for this day to come, not suddenly, since yesterday we've invited for cyber and Laboratory for Research and Development. But this time Puslabfor is more about communication tools. next week. Now this is completed for the existing stages," said Taufan.

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