
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association, Ade Firmansyah Sugiharto, revealed the findings during the re-autopsy process of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier, which was held today.

"At the examination, we need to report that apart from signs of decay, we can clearly see the shape of the corpse after the autopsy. Starting from an incision to open the head, which is usually done starting from the protrusion of the right mastoid bone to the left," he explained to reporters, Wednesday. , July 27.

In addition, continued Ade, an I-shaped incision was found starting from the chin to the pubic bone.

"It's a standard autopsy technique that is usually done. There are also signs of formalin being done here," added Ade.

He explained that the autopsy process took quite a long time because doctors needed to determine whether the marks on Brigadier J's body were really injured before or after the incident or due to the decay process.

"Of course we have to be very careful. We have to make sure through microscopic examination," he explained.

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