
JAKARTA - The re-autopsy process on Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J has been completed. Later, a team of forensic doctors will bring a sample of the wound to Jakarta for microscopic examination.

"We have collected all the samples and will take them to Jakarta for microscopic examination at the RSCM Anatomic Pathology Laboratory," said General Chairperson of the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association, Ade Firmansyah Sugiharto, to reporters on Wednesday, July 27.

According to him, microscopic examination is important to know everything from the scars found on Brigadier J.

The results obtained are confirmed to be scientifically based and can be accounted for.

"Because the injuries that we believe have actually occurred, of course, really are in the form of wounds, we have to make sure too, whether the injuries occurred before death or after death," he said.

Moreover, Brigadier J's body was already decaying. Thus, it must be ensured that the wounds found in the re-autopsy process are microscopic.

"Well, during the examination, we need to report that apart from the signs of decay, of course, we can clearly see the forms of corpses that have been post-autopsied," said Ade.

The Police carried out an exhumation and re-autopsy on Brigadier J's body. This was done because there was a request from the family who believed that there was an element of premeditated murder behind the case.

The autopsy process on Brigadier J's body will be carried out at the Sungai Bahar Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Muaro Jambi.

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