
GIANYAR - The Sukawati Police, Gianyar, Bali team arrested two perpetrators with the fraudulent mode of buying and selling online. The two perpetrators are Zainal Arifin Bin Togiman (32) and Maradona Agus Ilyas Bin Sumadi (37).

The two perpetrators, residents of East Java, were arrested for committing online fraud. The victim who ordered a Kawasaki motorcycle was sent a package of clothes.

"The two perpetrators are also drug addicts," said Sukawati Police Chief Commissioner I Made Ariawan P, Wednesday, July 27.

Victim I Nyoman Gde Suryawan initially searched for a Kawasaki motorcycle via Facebook on June 30.

The victim also bought a Kawaski Ninja for Rp. 24 million with a cash on delivery (COD) payment system. However, on the way, the perpetrator asked the victim to pay off the purchase of a motorcycle on the grounds that the perpetrator's parents were sick.

To convince the victim, the perpetrator sent a motorcycle delivery receipt number from J&T Express to the victim. The victim, who believes the motorbike has been sent, then transfers the purchase money to the account number provided by the perpetrator. But apparently, the victim was even sent a package of clothes.

"So the victim suffered losses due to this incident," he added.

The victim reported to the police. The Sukawati Police Team investigated this case and coordinated with J&T Express.

From the results of the investigation, information was obtained that the perpetrator lived in the Mayangan District, Probolinggo, East Java. The perpetrator was arrested at the boarding house.

"Two people as perpetrators of fraud, along with a Vivo brand cellphone that was used as a tool to commit fraud in buying and selling motorbikes online were also successfully secured," continued Ariawan.

From the results of the perpetrator's interrogation, the Kawasaki Ninja motorbike purchased by the victim started from the process of posting photos, videos and receipts sent by the perpetrator to the victim, all of which were edited.

The perpetrators of Maradona are known to download photos of the Kawasaki Ninja from Google and then post them on Facebook. This culprit then searches for examples of shipping receipts on Google for editing.

Meanwhile, Zainal pretended to be a courier officer who convinced the victim about the ordered motorbike that had been sent. This perpetrator also edits the receipt of the shipment of goods.

It is known that the two perpetrators committed online fraud in various areas from Lampung, West Kalimantan, Jepara, Semarang, Surabaya and Kediri.

"And the proceeds from his crime are used to play online gambling and fulfill daily needs," said Ariawan.

The two perpetrators were charged with Article 45 a Paragraph (1) of Law 11, 2008 regarding Information and Electronic Transactions with a penalty of 6 years in prison and Article 378 of the Criminal Code on fraud with a penalty of 4 years in prison.

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