
DENPASAR - Indonesia's 5th President Megawati Soekarnoputri will receive the Bali-Bhuwana Mahottama Nugraha award from the Indonesian Art Institute Denpasar, a series of XIX Anniversary on 28 July.

ISI Denpasar Chancellor Prof. Dr. Wayan Kun Adnyana in his written statement said that the conferment of the highest award from ISI Denpasar to Megawati Soekarnoputri was based on a number of considerations.

"Mrs. Megawati, who is also the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), is a Pancasila ideology figure with character, by glorifying Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in the promotion of Indonesian cultural arts," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 25.

Furthermore, said Kun Adnyana, Megawati is considered very opinionated, how Indonesia Raya is built on the foundation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, by making the arts and culture of the archipelago as a source of knowledge, welfare, and social justice.

"There are many ideas and alignments that Megawati has carried out in promoting Indonesian arts and culture, such as being directly involved in giving the mandate to save the intellectual property of the nation's children; so that Indonesia blooms as a World Sari Park," said the Professor of Art History.

A series of Dies Natalis ISI Denpasar held the Bali Padma Bhuwana II Festival. At the opening of the international festival, which is linked to the XXVIII Graduation of Undergraduate, Applied Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Graduation events, Bali-Bhuwana Mahottama Nugraha 2022 will be awarded to Prof Dr (HC) Megawati Soekarnoputri.

In addition to receiving the award, the 5th President is also scheduled to give an online scientific oration entitled "Indonesia with a Personality in Culture".

The former head of the Bali Provincial Culture Service said that during the scientific oration, Bung Karno's Trisakti would be explained in building a personality Indonesia.

"In addition, it was also told how the Seoul Institute of the Arts greatly contributed to the advancement of art and culture in South Korea, as Mrs. Mega met when she received the Honorary Chair Professor from the Seoul city arts campus," he said.

Megawati really hopes that ISI Denpasar, as well as other arts campuses in Indonesia, can contribute greatly to the work of promoting the arts and culture of the Indonesian nation.

In addition to the Bali-Bhuwana Mahottama Nugraha award, the 2022 Bali-Bhuwana Nata Kerthi Nugraha award was also awarded to reputable maestros, artists, academics, and art collectors.

Chairman of the ISI Denpasar Graduation and Anniversary Committee, Dr Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa, said that the recipients of the international award were Tjokorda Gede Putra Sukawati (Maesnas Seni), Anak Agung Gede Rai (collector and museum figure), Rhoda Grauer (American artist and academician). United States), Tossin Himawan (art collector from Jakarta), and Nyoman Windha (reputed composer).

"The two awards are dedicated to the noble intention of ISI Denpasar as a higher education institution for arts and culture in appreciating the achievements as well as the reputation of world-class influential figures, namely from the maestro, artists, culturalists, and also academics," he said.

This is done as a manifestation of the new motto of ISI Denpasar, namely the Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Center Hub (G-BACCH)," said the Doctor of Design Science who graduated from the Bandung Institute of Technology.

The series of Graduation, Anniversary, and the opening of Bali Padma Bhuwana II will be attended by Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim MBA and the Governor of Bali as Chair of the ISI Denpasar Board of Trustees, Dr Wayan Koster.

Then there was also a member of the House of Representatives, Djarot Saiful Hidayat MS, who would present his testimony regarding the awarding of Bali-Bhuwana Mahottama Nugraha to Megawati.

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