
JAKARTA - Joe Biden has successfully won the 2020 US election vote count. He has become the elected president. In Japan, Jo Baiden won exposure from the hustle and bustle of the US Election. His figure is viral.

His real name is Yutaka Umeda. He is the mayor of Yamato City, a region in Kumamoto Prefecture. How did Yutaka Umeda become "Jo Baiden"?

In kanji pronunciation, Yutaka Umeda's name is called "Jo Baiden." As reported by Kyodo News, Yutaka Umeda admitted that he was confused about how to respond to this crowd in what way.

It is nothing. For a small town with a population of 15 thousand, this news was a kind of blessing which attracted the world's attention to them.

Yutaka Umeda then commented. He admitted that he was flattered even though he considered equating himself and Biden in the context of work complexity as an exaggeration.

What is clear, Yutaka Umeda said that he and Biden were both officials who had the passion to maintain the inner happiness and well-being of their residents.

In kanji, "ume" means "plum". Meanwhile, "da" means "rice field". Both words can be pronounced as "bai" and "den". Meanwhile, the character used for his first name, Yutaka is usually pronounced "Jo".

Kanji is a Japanese writing system that uses Chinese characters. Japan adopted this system in the 5th century.

Now, multiple characters can be used in Chinese and Japanese words. A number of kanji characters introduced at different times in different parts of China also produce different utterances.

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