
CIHAUR - Three families (KK) consisting of 12 people in Babakan Village, Cihaur Village, Cibeber District, Cilegon, survived the fire. The red rooster devoured their house allegedly due to an electrical short circuit.

The Fire Field Coordinator and witness in Cianjur, Micky Arizona, said that the fire that occurred Monday afternoon, June 25, was successfully extinguished after officers dispatched two fire engines to the location.

"When the incident occurred, the occupants consisting of three heads of the Icih family (60), Ahmad (42) and Hendri (37) and their family members immediately left the house even though the fire was already blazing on the roof," said Micky, Tuesday, July 26.

Residents who saw the smoke rising high, immediately shouted at the occupants of the house to get out immediately because the fire had spread to a number of rooms.

After an hour, Micky said, the fire was extinguished. The red rooster did not reach the side of the house where the occupants had been panicking to remove valuables from the inside.

"The fire was extinguished after raging for an hour, there were no casualties but the loss was estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah. For the time being, the residents of the burning house fled to the homes of their relatives," said Micky.

Eyewitness testimony stated that the fire was first seen coming out of the back of the house inhabited by three heads of families with 12 souls, residents immediately asked them to get out because when the fire started they were inside.

"It is suspected that it was due to an electrical short circuit on the roof of the house, when the fire started, the owner and his family members only found out from residents who immediately ran out of the house," said a resident eye witness, Yadi Haryadi.

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