
JAKARTA - The PAN faction of the DPR RI welcomes the KPU's plan to allow the 2024 Election Campaign in the campus environment. However, the discourse did not cause noise in its implementation.

"Don't let it create dynamics and trigger conflicts between campuses and parties, or among parties. Moreover, it will cause confusion," said Member of Commission II of the DPR from the PAN faction, Guspardi Gaus in his statement, Tuesday, July 26.

According to him, as long as the regulations are clear, campaigns in the campus environment can become an educational medium as well as a place to contest ideas, visions and missions as well as programs for election participants in front of the academic community.

In addition, said Guspardi, campaigns in the campus environment can also be a means to test the abilities of each contestant in the intellectual arena. Both as an executive candidate and a member of the legislature.

"Campus residents, including critical groups, can test the quality or programs promised by the candidates. This is expected to create a higher quality campaign because they are included in academic circles," explained Guspardi.

Guspardi assessed that political education must be carried out continuously, including in the campus environment. This, he said, was to ignite the awareness of the nation's generation to be politically literate and to encourage direct participation in the context of democracy.

"The important thing is that the implementation of the campaign in the campus environment must be free from intervention, especially from the campus and the government," said Guspardi.

Previously, the General Elections Commission (KPU) stated that election campaigns on campus were allowed by taking into account a number of notes.

"So this is what is called an activity campaign carried out by election participants, for what purpose? Delivering the vision and mission, the program of activities that he will do, to win the election," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari at the provincial KPU technical guidance event / KIP Aceh at the Grand Mercure Harmoni Hotel, Central Jakarta, Saturday, July 23.

"Well, the question is, for campaigns it can be anywhere, including in campuses, Islamic boarding schools, but remember there are records," he continued.

Hasyim explained, in the Election Law Number 7 of 2017 Article 280 (1) letter H, it is stated that election campaigns are prohibited from using government facilities, worship, and educational places. According to the regulation, he said, in the campaign on campus, it is not allowed to use educational facilities.

"What is forbidden? The facilities, not the campaign. Let's look at it together, election campaign executors, participants and teams are prohibited from using government facilities, places of worship, and places of education, what is prohibited? Using facilities, not campaigns, clear? " he said.

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