
Jakarta - As many as 15 representatives of indigenous peoples from Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), conveyed their aspirations to the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko. They visited the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 26.

The indigenous people who live around the Sungai Kelik Cross-Border Post (PLBN) in Sintang asked the government to provide training for border youths so that they can be competitive.

“Indigenous people are not against the development of the Sungai Kelik PLBN and its infrastructure, but we hope that human resources are also prepared to accompany the development. If the state is not present to prepare human resources at the border, they will forever be considered insufficient to meet the qualifications," said Igas, one of the representatives of the Sintang Dayak community.

According to Igas, the limited number of educational institutions and their very long distances often become obstacles for young people in border areas to access proper education. The presence of supporting facilities such as the internet is also still very limited.

“However, we are grateful to the Presidential Chief of Staff who has prioritized his time to listen to the aspirations of our people from the border. The response is very fast, this is a form of service that is really needed by the community now, "said the Regent of Malinau, Yansen Tipa Padan.

Moeldoko also said that the government always strives to not only rely on the security approach in managing border issues, but also maximize the prosperity approach.

“Education issues, health issues and the community's economy will remain a priority. Because infrastructure development is inherent to the development of human civilization,” said Moeldoko.

He also said that during his time as Commander of the Tanjungpura Regional Military Command XII, Moeldoko had prioritized border children to be recruited as part of the TNI. According to Moeldoko, an affirmation policy like this has been implemented in the government of President Jokowi, which always thinks about the welfare of the people in the 3T (Front, Remote and Disadvantaged) area.

“The government has given affirmation and special attention to people in border areas. But this is indeed being done in stages, there are some that are still in the development process. So I ask the indigenous peoples to be patient. But of course the government will always listen to your aspirations," said Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, the physical construction of the PLBN in Sungai Kelik Sintang is planned to start in 2023.

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