
JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) said the potential for hydrometeorological disasters will increase from July to September 2022.

"The potential for disasters is also increasing in the period of July, August and maybe early September we will have a shift, where at the same time we will experience both wet hydrometeorology, flash floods and landslides, as well as dry hydrometeorology, forest fires and droughts. "said Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in an online disaster briefing followed in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, July 25.

This potential, said Abdul, has already begun to be seen from BNPB data on July 18-24 2022. He explained that in the previous week the frequency of floods was still greater than drought forest fires, this week it began to shift with the frequency of forest fires occurring more frequently than forest fires. flood.

The public is asked to remain alert and alert in areas prone to forest fires, as well as in areas prone to flooding.

BNPB regularly or periodically sends messages of preparedness, early warning and mitigation efforts that must be carried out to local governments.

But Abdul said the most important thing is actually community preparedness. For example, people living along rivers, or people living in areas close to cliffs with high steepness.

If it rains for more than an hour, and the visibility between neighboring houses is not visible, it is certain that high intensity rain is certain. From there, residents were asked to take the initiative to evacuate to a safer place, because the upstream area had a lot of water discharge.

"Because of course in the upstream areas there is already a lot of water discharge. This means that there is a high potential in this watershed the discharge will increase, then overflow or in sloped areas, there may be water saturation which has the potential to cause landslides. We need to build this community initiative, " said Abdul.

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