
JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Java (Jabar) ensures that the handling of cases of bullying or bullying that led to the death of elementary school students in Tasikmalaya Regency continues to run optimally.

The student with the initial F was depressed and died after being bullied and forced to have sex with a cat. "So we were assigned by the Governor of West Java, Mr. Ridwan Kamil to invite relevant officials and other communities to discuss bullying in Tasikmalaya Regency," said Deputy Governor of West Java Uu. Rhuzhanul Ulum, at Gedung Sate Bandung, West Java, Monday, July 24. Uu said the case in Tasikmalaya was of particular concern to the West Java Provincial Government. He ensured that the handling would go through preventive measures so that the case would not be repeated in the future. "Don't let it happen again, repeat unwanted things regarding children. We hope that it doesn't happen again," he explained, according to Antara.

Uu added that this case tarnished the West Java Provincial Government which received the title of 'Child-friendly Province' by the central government. However, he emphasized that the title will continue to be held, including in the process of resolving the case of bullying an 11-year-old boy in Tasikmalaya. "Therefore, we are increasingly paying attention, focusing on children, including unwanted events," he said.

Uu explained that this case has been progressing, which was initiated by the relevant agencies regarding children and very good coordination between the Tasikmalaya Regency Government and even the RT and RW were very alert before this case became public. UPTD PPA provides assistance, even the police have moved quickly. And God willing, the results will be maximum," he added.

Uu said that the victim of this bullying has not yet been confirmed whether he died of depression or other diseases and the right to convey is the law enforcement officer or the police. "And now it must be emphasized first, there is no certainty about it. We have received the others, but we haven't had the time, because we don't have the right to convey such things," he said.

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