
YOGYAKARTA - The PDI-P (PDIP) of Kulon Progo Regency is targeting the acquisition of 25 seats in the Kulon Progo DPRD in the 2024 General Election. A number of plans have been drawn up so that this target can be realized. ❤

"The step that we will take soon is to solidify the PDI-P cadres, both senior and new cadres," said Chairman of the PDIP DPC Kulon Progo Regency, Fajar Gegana Progo, in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), quoted from Antara, Monday. July 25.

He said that his party would immediately strengthen the engine of political parties to spread their wings and recruit as many generations as possible for the victory of PDIP. Currently, PDIP Kulon Progo has mapped out the candidates to be promoted in the 2024 General Election.

"We are targeting 25 seats in the Kulon Progo DPRD in the 2024 Pilleg," said the former Kulon Progo deputy regent.

Meanwhile, political observer and Director of IndoStrategi Research and Consulting Arif Nurul said that the appointment of Fajar Gegana as the Chair of the PDIP DPC Kulon Progo Regency could not be separated from his track record while serving as Deputy Regent of Kulon Progo.

In addition, Fajar Gegana is a non-instant PDIP cadre, departing from the lower cadres, and as a member of the PDIP wing organization.

"In terms of age, Fajar Gegana is still young. But from a political perspective, it can be said that he has matured so that he will be able to answer the challenges of the PDI-P in the future, especially facing the 2024 General Election," said Arif

According to Arif, Fajar Gegana's challenge is how the Kulon Progo PDIP will win the 2024 General Election. Then prepare a succession of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) by preparing cadres, strengthening the political machine, strengthening solidity, and making party programs that can help the community, at the same time. increase the PDI-P's electoral

"The determination of Fajar Gegana is also a political momentum in Kulon Progo so that space and opportunity must be given to actualize thoughts and ideas through political work, both in organizing the masses and formulating policies through cadres who sit in the legislature and executive," he said.

Arif said that the appointment of Fajar Gegana as Chair of the PDIP Kulon Progo DPC is a political progress because young people are given the opportunity to lead and actualize political potential for the advancement of PDIP and Kulon Progo.

However, Arif noted that Fajar Gegana must be able to utilize the full potential of the party to achieve political goals. For example, increasing the number of seats in the Kulon Progo DPRD and DIY DPRD from the Kulon Progo Electoral District.

"Then, the political work that must be done is to do political mapping and which segments of the electorate will be targeted to boost the niche of mass support for the PDI-P candidates who will compete in the 2024 General Election," he concluded.

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