
PONTIANAK - The Joint SAR Team, on Sunday, expanded the search area for the victim of the TB Rita 103 Motor Ship which sank due to high waves in the waters of Kendawangan, Ketapang Regency, Wednesday, July 20 at around 16.30 WIB. Rita 103, which has entered its fifth day, continues to be carried out, even the area has also been expanded from the previous days," said Head of Operations and Alerts for the Pontianak SAR Office, Eryk Subariyanto in Pontianak, Sunday, July 24. He explained that today the joint SAR team will expand the search. reached 2,080 Nautical Miles to reach the Karimata Islands and searched the coast of Kendawangan, Pagar Cucumber to Ketapang City. According to him, previously, on the fourth day of the search yesterday, his party had also expanded and was more north or northwest of the location of the KM sinking. "In the fourth day of our search (the joint SAR team) expanded the search to the north and northwest of the sinking position a TB Rita 103 and the search area is divided into five sectors with a total area of 1,432 Nautical Miles," he said, quoted by Antara. the fourth day is the weather around the location which is quite diverse. "When the search for the joint SAR team was constrained by surging sea conditions of up to 1.5 meters, making visibility especially those in RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) limited," he said. The victims of the sinking of KM TB Rita 103 were 14 people, eight people were found safe, namely on behalf of Bruslam, Kadir Ali, Paulus, Safrudin, Abdullah, Prapto, Manotar Silaban, and Subali. , namely Bryan Ap, Suyatno, Arnold, Sutris, and Pandu.

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