
JAKARTA - Political Digital Marketing Analyst Bambang Haryanto assesses the popularity and electability of Puan Maharani currently showing a significant increase in line with the frequent declines of the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives around regions in Indonesia.

The safari around the archipelago conducted by the Proclaimer's grandson further shows the character of a populist leadership that may have been questioned by many people.

“From various observations in the media, both mainstream and social media, Mbak Puan is now a media darling. Talks about Puan are now becoming more frequent in the community, often becoming a topic of discussion. Moreover, now he often goes down to the community to visit farmers, fishermen, market traders, etc. This positive trend is indeed reflected in his increasing popularity, including his electability which shows an increase,” said Bambang during the Indonesia Point discussion in Jakarta, Friday, July 22 yesterday.

According to the Deputy Chancellor of the As-Syafi'iyah Islamic University, even though it is becoming a public discussion, Puan does not show coquettishness, on the contrary, she still shows her true leadership identity. In Puan's capacity as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, coupled with the Chair of the World Parliament, according to Bambang Puan, she has succeeded in showing the qualities and results of pro-people leadership.

“The TPKS Bill, which has been very much awaited by the public so far, has been successfully executed as a law. This is the result of leadership whose benefits are clearly felt by the people. In addition, Mbak Puan has been very active in voicing the aspirations of the people, for example regarding fuel, women and children issues, electricity, fertilizer prices, opposing import policies, cooking oil issues and other issues. This deserves to be appreciated," said Bambang.

From the track record of leadership in both the executive and legislative branches, Puan is clear that Bambang is certain to have competence, capability and integrity. Bambang's notes, the capability of a leader is not due to polish or image but something that can be measured.

"The matter of capacity was shown by Mba Puan by issuing the TPKS Law. That's clear. 30 years the bill hangs. And during the leadership of Mbak Puan, it was executed," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding competence, of course there is no need to doubt because Puan is a graduate of the best campus in Indonesia, namely UI. This is supported by experiences that other leaders may not have.

"He is the son of the president, the son of the chairman of the MPR RI. If we just follow the president's meeting, then we will be smart too. Moreover, in his class who grew up in the environment of a great leader, of course there is no doubt about that. And don't forget, Ms. Puan is not a politician who just happens to be. He proceeded from the bottom, tested also by the bitter experiences experienced by his grandfather and mother, which other children of the president could not accept. For me, Mba Puan is very complete, complete and suitable to advance to national leadership as president,” concluded Bambang.

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