
JAKARTA - Chairperson of the National Secretariat (Seknas) Puan Maharani President (PMP) Firman Tendry Masengi admitted that the political safari around the archipelago conducted by the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, is a form of Puan's leadership which is populist and at the same time reinforces the people's political character inherited by Bung Karno.

"What Mbak Puan Maharani is currently doing is a reflection of populist politics inherited by Bung Karno himself. He continues the teachings conveyed by Bung Karno to go to the hearts of the people, meet the people, because remember Bung Karno's teachings by going to the people then you understand the suffering of your people, " said Firman during the Indonesia Point political discussion entitled 'Puan Maharani Gaspoll Safari Politics Around the Archipelago' in Jakarta, Friday, July 22.

Firman quoted Bung Karno's words: 'I am nothing without the people. I grew up because of the people, fight for the people, and I am the mouthpiece of the people' is the teaching that Puan agrees to be a leader.

In that framework, said Firman, the work of Puan Maharani as Chair of the DPR RI so far has shown a leadership figure who understands the aspirations of the people and ensures that the aspirations of the people are heard. Firman took the example of the ratification of the Sexual Violence Crime Bill (TPKS), which had been sitting in the DPR RI for 30 years and was successfully ratified during Puan's time.

Not only that, currently there is a discussion of the Bill on Mother and Child which shows Puan's side with the rights of women and children in Indonesia.

"What we see is his leadership that listens to the people's aspirations. He defends Indonesian women. This is a reflection of the populist leadership he inherited from his grandfather Bung Karno. Including today's political safari, don't look at it because it has political interests, but indeed the politics has been like that. not making it up or just for imaging," said Firman.

Firman said, Puan Maharani received a complete political education from the nation's political figures such as Bung Karno, Megawati Soekarnoputri and Taufiq Kiemas, which gave Puan many advantages to become a national leader as president.

"So Ms. Puan has many advantages. She was educated ideologically through the great teachings of Bung Karno, by Mrs. Megawati who was once President of the Republic of Indonesia, by her father who became Chair of the MPR RI. day, Mbak Puan is a seed, the weight and weight are clear," said Firman.

The political safari around the archipelago conducted by Puan, continued Firman, is a political activity that deserves appreciation.

"Mbak Puan really understands that being close to the people, not far from the people, feeling the smell and sweat of the people, is a true leader. Ms. Puan wants to make sure that she is able to be together with the people she loves. There is no need to doubt that ," said Firman.

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