
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the DPP PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto highlighted the political dynamics that often propose the names of pairs of presidential candidates (Capres) and vice presidential candidates (Cawapres) for the 2024 presidential election.

Currently, Hasto assesses, there seems to be a force that wants to encourage every day to talk about presidential candidates and cooperation between political parties. In fact, said Hasto, before talking about the matchmaking of presidential and vice presidential candidates, one must know about the track record of the figure's achievements.

"Then, there is matchmaking (presidential and vice presidential candidates). We asked when those who matched it, they should also understand what their achievements were," said Hasto at the inauguration ceremony for the DPD Taruna Merah Putih (TMP) board at the Jakarta PDIP DPD office, Tebet, Jakarta, Friday, July 22.

Hasto revealed, in the ranks of the PDIP DPP there are many figures who are full of achievements. For example, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri, who has a proven track record of achievement. Even as the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati managed to resolve the multidimensional crisis in 2004.

"Mother Mega's legacy is clear as a leader who dared to defend the sovereignty of other nations when the United States took bilateral actions against Iraq. Many leaders were silent, but Mrs. Mega dared to say she defended Iraq. Because Iraq is an independent nation," said Hasto.

In addition, he continued, Megawati succeeded in producing a very democratic 2004 general election. Where, said Hasto, there is no use of legal instruments to improve the electoral process of a party. Then, said Hasto, there was the figure of Prananda Prabowo who emphasized the strength of the PDIP ideology through Bung Karno's dedication of life and with the party's banner of honor bearing the white muzzled bull.

Hasto also disclosed the achievements of Puan Maharani. Starting from the Chair of the PDIP Faction in the DPR RI, to carrying out her duties as the first female Chair of the DPR RI in Indonesia. Puan, he said, had also served as Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture and did not stop in the middle of the road just to hold another position.

This politician from Yogyakarta also said that PDIP is rich with other accomplished and proven cadres. Hasto said that there were Social Minister Tri Rismaharini, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, former Banyuwangi regent 2 Abdullah Azwar Anas, and Djarot Saiful Hidayat. Not to mention a series of PDIP cadres who are being prepared to become future leaders.

"Mbak Puan was also like that, she prepared, Mas Prananda ideology was prepared, Bu Risma was prepared, Pak Ganjar was prepared so that the PDI struggle was so rich with young leaders who were all disciplined at the direction of Megawati," said Hasto.

"So, for example, someone proposed, wow, this is from the PDI-P, the achievements are clear, the performance is clear, can be accounted for, the record is clear, the weight, the weight, the bet," he continued.

However, Hasto stressed that currently PDIP is not thinking too much about the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. Because, he said, the priority scale for PDIP is to move down.

Because, said Hasto, the world is currently facing a crisis and Indonesia could be affected. Therefore, according to him, the people must be strengthened and become the most important priority scale at this time.

"The pandemic is not over yet, there is already a food crisis. Education is still our real challenge. Our universities are still inferior to Singapore and Malaysia. This is our challenge,” said Hasto.

Hasto added, PDIP continues to encourage the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, with the concept of Merdeka Learning to improve the quality of the national education system. "Pak Nadiem's homework is very difficult because he has inherited various systemic educational problems since the New Order era," said Hasto.

Moreover, continued Hasto, his party is not sure if a presidential candidate is appointed now, then the quality will immediately change for the better.

“When a presidential candidate is appointed (political party, ed), for example today, while the KPU is making a determination next year, will these 6-8 months change the quality of a candidate? Not. Because the quality is determined by the quality of gemblengan and its regeneration. Even the prophet must be galvanized. So the priority scale now, just pay attention to the people, what achievements among the people, the people will appreciate. So let's have a performance competition," said Hasto.

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