
JAKARTA - The case of a child's bullying in Tasikmalaya, West Java which resulted in death due to depression should be a reminder of the importance of protecting them.

An 11-year-old boy died of depression. The warning was conveyed by the Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives Ace Hasan Syadzily ahead of National Children's Day (HAN), July 23, 2022 tomorrow.

"We are very concerned about the incident of bullying or bullying against a child which has a psychological impact on him so that the child dies," said Ace Hasan, Friday, July 22.

The victim with the initials PH, a resident of Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, experienced extreme bullying by his peers. He was forced to sexually abuse animals and the video went viral.

The 6th grade boy suffered from depression which caused him to become seriously ill and died. Ace said this incident was very worrying.

“Bullying on children must be avoided because it will definitely have an impact on the growth and development of children in the future. It is better if the relevant parties such as the Child Protection Service in the area should investigate why this incident could happen to a child,” he said.

Ace also asked the Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAID) to ensure how the social environment of the victims and perpetrators made it possible for this tragic event to occur.

"Cases like this must be used as a lesson for families and schools to have more vigilance in monitoring children's development, both in the family, school and surrounding communities," said Ace.

Furthermore, the legislator from the West Java II electoral district reminded that local child protection agencies should provide assistance to the families of the victims. Including, said Ace, assistance to a number of perpetrators who are also children.

“Moreover, this case has already entered the realm of law. In accordance with the regulations, especially the RI Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, suspected child offenders need to receive special assistance," he explained.

The cause of death of the victim was known because he suspected typhoid and encephalopathy or brain inflammation due to typhus complications and suspected episodes of depression or psychiatric disorders that could be caused by complications of typhoid fever. The DPR hopes that this issue will become an evaluation for all policy makers to ensure the creation of a safe, comfortable, and bullying-free space for all Indonesian children.

“It is very ironic that at the time of National Children's Day, bullying events like this often occur. This must be a serious concern from various parties so that this incident should not happen again, "said Ace.

The police themselves have moved to handle the bullying case that happened to PH. In addition to KPAID Tasikmalaya, the Child Protection Agency (LPA) of West Java (Jabar) also monitored the bullying case.

"We hope that the problem of bullying against PH children is resolved in the fairest way possible, while taking into account the mental condition of the alleged child perpetrator," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA), violence against children in 2019 occurred as many as 11,057 cases, in 2020 there were 11,279 cases, and 12,566 cases as of November 2021. The most cases experienced were sexual violence by 45 percent, violence psychological 19 percent, and physical violence around 18 percent.

Commission VIII of the DPR RI which is in charge of children's affairs reminded the Government to pay more attention to cases of violence against children.

“And we hope that National Children's Day will be a reminder of how many cases of violence against children can actually be prevented and reduced if there is good anticipation. So concrete action is needed because of how important child protection is,” concluded Ace.

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