
SAMARINDA - Sungai Kunjang Police Sector, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, arrested a person suspected of abusing subsidized diesel fuel along with evidence in the form of an Isuzu Phanter box car. Sungai Kunjang police chief Kompol Made Anwara in Samarinda, Friday, July 22. Made said the modus operandi of the perpetrators was by queuing up to refuel subsidized diesel fuel at the gas station using a modified Isuzu Phanter box car. The inside of the modified car box contains a drum to accommodate diesel fuel, he explained. According to him, the perpetrators manipulated by placing a drum in a car box that was connected to a 1-inch hose and a water pump engine was added so that it could accommodate diesel fuel when filling it at a gas station. diesel fuel at a gas station on Jalan Rapak Indah, Su . District Ngai Kunjang, Samarinda, on Thursday (21/7) morning, around 07.30 WITA. "We immediately secured the vehicle and the driver was questioned at the Mapolsek," he said, quoted by Antara. kamtibmas and prevent unlawful acts.

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