
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Ahmad Riza Patria said that monitoring the independent isolation of Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab as a traveler is not a matter for the DKI Provincial Government, but the central government.

Because, Riza admitted that his party did not have any information about when Rizieq's departure from the airport in Saudi Arabia, arrival at Soekarno Hatta International Airport, and Rizieq's swab test results before returning to Indonesia.

"We have not been able to confirm it. Later I will ask the Health Service to check again. But, that is the central government's business, not DKI. So, let it be the central government," said Riza when contacted, Tuesday, November 10.

According to Riza, the central government has the authority to decide whether Rizieq should carry out self-quarantine, according to the Ministry of Health regulations for travelers during the pandemic. The task of the DKI Provincial Government is only to coordinate regarding the readiness to handle the transmission of COVID-19.

"Regarding the COVID-19 problem, it is the central government that regulates the Central Task Force, because he is from abroad. So, there is a Central Task Force that regulates it. Usually, it is not DKI who takes care of it," said Riza.

Previously, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) said that Rizieq Shihab still had to carry out self-quarantine at his residence for two weeks or 14 days after arriving in the country.

According to the Director General of P2P of the Ministry of Health, Budi Hidayat, self-quarantine at this residence is a procedure that must be carried out by anyone who has just arrived from abroad.

"If Indonesian citizens and foreigners have brought negative PCR results from abroad and are declared valid by the officers of the Port Health Office (KKP) then the examination is declared not sick and there are no health risk factors, then they can continue their journey and undergo self-quarantine at their home or residence. for 14 days, "said Budi.

However, according to Rizieq's lawyer, Sugito said that Rizieq did not carry out independent isolation upon arrival in the country. Sugito said, Rizieq had undergone a swab test for COVID-19 detection before departing from Saudi Arabia. However, Sugito did not mention Rizieq's swab test results.

"He (Rizieq) has swab. So, there is probably no problem. But, don't let the public put Habib Rizieq in disobedience to health protocol issues," said Sugito.

Sugito asked the public not to discriminate against Rizieq about having to undergo 14 days of self-quarantine as a traveler. Because, Sugito views that many people who returned from abroad did not undergo independent isolation.

"The provisions (swab tests) must be obeyed but also not discriminated against. There are also many people who freely leave the country without swab, only PCR and can carry out activities. Do high-ranking officials in Indonesia also have to isolate independently?" said Sugito.

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