
JEPARA - A delegation from Libya is interested in collaborating with the Indonesian government in the field of fisheries developed by the Center for Brackish Water Aquaculture Fisheries (BBPBAP) Jepara, Central Java.

"The interest of the Libyan delegation is because their country's fisheries cultivation has not yet developed, so they also want to learn from an advanced Indonesia," said the Coordinator of Global Development Cooperation of the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas) Priyanto Rohamtullah in Jepara, Between, Thursday, July 22.

The Libyan delegation included representatives from the private sector, academics, universities, and from implementing fisheries cultivation projects in Libya led by President of The Libyan Academy Jarnaz Mustafa Essa Amro.

Meanwhile, representatives from the Indonesian government were present from Bappenas, Head of BBPBAP Jepara Supito, Director of Production and Cultivation Business of the Directorate General of Aquaculture, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Arik Hari Wibowo, Regional Secretary of Jepara Edy Sujatmoko, and Head of the Jepara Fisheries Service Wasianto.

The Indonesian government, said Priyanto, is also interested in developing and helping Libya create or develop aquaculture.

According to him, when there is real cooperation, it will be very interesting because Libya is a desert area, so BBPBAP Jepara will also gain a lot of knowledge so that both parties will benefit from each other.

"It's time for Indonesia to learn to play as a 'player', don't wait to invest but need to invest abroad," he said.

Director of Production and Cultivation Business of the Directorate General of Aquaculture, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Arik Hari Wibowo, added that his party welcomed the visit from the Libyan delegation, facilitated by friends from Bappenas and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"It is hoped that this visit will not stop here, but there will be a follow-up in the form of cooperation that can bring goodness to both countries, especially the aquaculture community both in Indonesia and in Libya," he said.

He admits that he is ready to support when it will be followed up with cooperation after previously signing the minutes of the meeting. Of the important points that were agreed upon, later of course there will be more detailed discussions.

President of The Libyan Academy Jarnaz Mustafa Essa Amro hopes that later it can be followed up with cooperation because later it is also expected that there will be transfer of technology and knowledge.

"We also have a large coastal and land sector. With Indonesia's experience in brackish water cultivation, it is certainly very useful, as stated from Jepara, it has the potential to be collaborated with Libyan investors," he said.

Head of BBPBAP Jepara Supito added that BBPBAP Jepara has experience in cultivating milkfish, shrimp, seaweed, saline tilapia, and crabs. In addition, BBPBAP Jepara is not only an expert in seeding to cultivation, but is also able to create feed independently.

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