
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the DKI Jakarta Gerindra Party, Ahmad Riza Patria, said that there was an internal mechanism at the East Jakarta Gerindra Branch Leadership Council (DPC) regarding his lawsuit against Prabowo Subianto regarding the status of cadre from Mohammad Taufik.

"Later, there will be an internal mechanism, how to deal with it (the DPC Gerindra Jaktim lawsuit)," Riza said at the Jakarta City Hall, Wednesday.

The Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta also emphasized that the position of the Gerindra Party DPD regarding the cadre status of Mohammad Taufik, who is a former deputy chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, is in the hands of the Gerindra Central Executive Board (DPP) according to the direction of Prabowo Subianto as general chairman.

"We are just waiting, whatever the decision is the best, we just carry it out," he said.

Riza asked all Gerindra cadres to respect the party's decision, namely the Gerindra DPP under the command of Prabowo Subianto as general chairman. Moreover, Riza said, Prabowo has 14 years of experience as general chairman and has promoted the party to the ranks of the major parties in Indonesia.

"Under his command, Gerindra is ranked second nationally in terms of vote acquisition, in many areas it is always in the top three, so Pak Prabowo's dedication and work contribution is extraordinary," he said.

"Whatever his decision, he knows what is best for the interests of Sabang to Merauke, we must support it," he said.

Previously, the East Jakarta Gerindra DPC sued Prabowo Subianto and the Gerindra Board of Trustees to the South Jakarta District Court. The plaintiff, represented by Zulhan Effendi as a lawyer, sued Prabowo and the Gerindra DPP to fire Mohammad Taufik.

In the petition, the plaintiff argued that this lawsuit was because the Gerindra DPP had not fired Mohammad Taufik as determined by the Gerindra Honorary Council.

The lawsuit was filed on Thursday 7 July and has been registered at the South Jakarta District Court with registration number 607/Pdt.Sus-Parpol/2022/PN JKT.SEL.

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