
JAKARTA - Secretary of the Regional Development Agency (Bappeda) of West Muna Regency, Bakhrun Laemaka Siharis, said that the former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mochamad Ardian Noervianto, had collected a commitment of Rp900 million that had not been paid by the district.

"I read the minutes of your inspection (BAP) point 8. 'Ardian once spoke to me that the West Muna district still lacked the commitment fee for the Secretary of the West Muna Housing Service, when I took care of the 2018 DAK which had to be given to M. Ardian. , M. Ardian asked for Rp 900 million to facilitate loan processing when I met M. Ardian in his office. The request for money was conveyed directly to me when I was in the office. To that request I answered later I will coordinate with the leadership' , how is this information?" said public prosecutor (JPU) Budiman Abdul Karib at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), Thursday.

"Regarding the meeting with Pak Ardian in general regarding regional loans, previously stated commitments that must be given but outside of regional loans," Bakhrun replied.

Bakhrun testified for two defendants, namely the former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mochamad Ardian Noervianto, who was charged with receiving a bribe of Rp. 1.5 billion and the Head of the Environment Agency of Muna La Ode M. Syukur Akbar, who received a bribe of Rp. 175 million from the Regent of Kolaka. Timur Andi Merya and LM Rusdianto Emba's inactivity related to the approval of the PEN loan fund for East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, in 2021.

"Rp900 million related to what commitment?" asked the prosecutor.

"That's a commitment that he made with other people, only it was conveyed to me, so my answer will be conveyed to the leadership," Bakhrun replied.

"So this is some kind of information?" asked the prosecutor.

"Ready," Bakhrun replied.

Bakhrun claimed to have met Ardian in February 2021 at Ardian's office at the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"Regarding the rules and things that must be prepared in the regional PEN, there is no talk of fees, only that there is a commitment from West Muna that must be completed," said Bakhrun.

The indictment stated that on May 23, 2021, Ardian met with Laode M. Syukur, then said, "Bro, just follow Muna (Muna Regency) who has already received it."

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