
TANGERANG - Together with officers from the Transportation Service, the Tangerang City Metro Police Satlantas held a raid on orderly driving and parking in any place. There are three locations that were targeted by officers for raids, including Jalan Thamrin-Sudirman, the road entrance to the Buaran toll road and Jalan Daan Mogot. At the raid location, one by one the two-wheeled and four-wheeled drivers who were passing were stopped by officers to check the completeness of the vehicle documents. However, there are also actions of motorists who want to avoid officers' raids by pretending to run out of gas where the motorbike is pushed over the shoulder of the road pavement. Traffic violators who do not complete the vehicle registration certificate are still being dealt with by officers in the form of a ticket. One of the traffic violators who were dealt with by the officers was a modified vespa that was almost as wide as the road. The results of the raid, as many as three hundred and fifty traffic violators were given a ticket by the officer. Watch the video below.

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