
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has proposed a policy that regulates the hours of entry or departure for employees in Jakarta to reduce congestion. The proposal arose because traffic jams had a major impact, even causing state losses that reached tens of billions per year.

"With road congestion there is a state loss per year of around Rp. 71 trillion, this is not just Jakarta, this is all of Indonesia," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman when contacted, Thursday, July 21.

Although he doesn't have exact data yet, Latif said he would look for exact figures regarding state losses caused by traffic jams in Jakarta.

The data so far is still about the percentage of traffic jams in Jakarta at crucial hours in the morning.

"Later we will evaluate observations, if currently the traffic jam at 9 o'clock is 54 percent, so is it comfortable?" he said.

For that reason, setting the clock in or out for employees is proposed.

Latif also gave an example of the technique in setting the hours of entry and exit. Later, students will be arranged to enter school at 07.00 WIB. Then, office employees around 09.00 WIB.

With this mechanism, it is hoped that people will not fill the roads in the morning and evening. So, it can automatically break down congestion.

"For example, there are those at 7, there are apples starting at 9, 10, starting at 11, when they go home, there is a provision for 8 hours of work," he said.

"So they didn't go home together. Now, starting at 16.00 to 20.00 WIB, there is an extraordinary density," continued Latif.

However, this proposal is still in the process of being discussed internally at the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya. Later, it will be coordinated with the relevant institutions.

"We are still meeting this, we will coordinate it with the relevant agencies," said Latif.

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