
JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) appreciates Bawaslu's quick response to a report against their General Chair, Zulkifli Hasan for alleged campaign violations when distributing cooking oil while promoting his son to be elected in the upcoming elections. PAN assesses that the report by Lingkar Madani (Lima) Indonesia and the Independent Election Monitoring Committee (KIPP) should not be allowed to become a polemic.

"Bawaslu is very good, quick to respond and respond. There is certainty about the interpretation of the law by election organizers. Indeed, reports like this, should not be delayed. The potential for causing chaos and debate," said Chairman of the PAN faction DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay told reporters, Thursday, July 21.

According to Saleh, community groups or individuals should not be too easy to report something that is considered an election violation to Bawaslu. Because he said, reporting must be studied and carefully examined.

"If you don't understand the context and interpretation of the law, it is advisable to ask for the opinion of legal experts. Especially legal experts who are steeped in the election law. And even better, those who are involved and follow the process of discussing and forming the law, "he explained. Reporters of alleged election violations must be careful so that the intent of the report is not misinterpreted by the public.

"In this case, the reporters are considered less careful and not careful. As a result, people may judge that there is another agenda outside the elections. It is not clear what the agenda is. PAN certainly does not need to respond too much," said Saleh. considered that there was a lack of understanding of the reporter on the Election Law. He also questioned the intentional element to seek sensation from the reporting. "It could also be that people think that the complainants do not understand the election law. Or it is deliberately reporting to seek attention and sensation. Let the people judge for themselves," he said.

Previously, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) rejected reports related to the activities of PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) at the cheap market distributing Oilita while asking that his son, Futri Zulya Savitri, be elected in the upcoming elections. Bawaslu stated that the report did not meet the requirements so it could not be continued.

"Bawaslu has reviewed the public's report with reported Zulkifli Hasan regarding alleged campaign violations outside the schedule. In conclusion, the report does not meet the material requirements of the report so it cannot be registered," said Bawaslu member Puadi in a written statement, Thursday, July 21.

Puadi explained that Bawaslu had conducted an analysis related to the activities carried out by the Minister of Trade. "Bawaslu conducts an analysis of the events as stated in the reporting report. The analysis is carried out based on Article 1 number 35 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, which states that election campaigns are activities of election participants or other parties appointed by election participants to convince voters by offering a vision, mission, program and/or self-image of election participants," he explained. "Based on KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2022 concerning the Schedule and Stages of Organizing the 2024 General Election, there are currently no participants in the 2024 Election. This means that the reported act as reported cannot be qualified as an election campaign activity," he continued.

In addition, Puadi continued, Bawaslu is considering Article 280 paragraph 1 of the Election Law which regulates the prohibition of actions taken in campaign activities. Where the organizers, participants, and election campaign teams are prohibited from using government facilities, places of worship, and places of education. It is also prohibited to promise or give money or other materials to election campaign participants.

Based on the Election Law, the president, ministers, and governors participating in an election campaign must comply with applicable regulations. One of them does not use the facilities in office.

Article 281 paragraph 1 of the Election Law stipulates that election campaigns that include the president, vice president, ministers, governors, deputy governors, regents, deputy regents, mayors, and deputy mayors must fulfill the provisions not to use facilities in their positions, except for security facilities for officials. state as regulated in the provisions of the legislation, and must undergo leave outside the state's responsibility," he explained.

On that basis, Puadi said the report provided did not meet the requirements and could not be followed up. "Bawaslu concluded that the report numbered 001/LP/PL/RI/00.00/VII/2022 did not meet the material requirements. Thus, the report could not be registered and followed up," he said.

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