
JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) said that the handling of the shootout case that killed Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J was withdrawn to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit. This case was handled by the South Jakarta Metro Police which was later taken over by the Metro Jaya Police.

"So it's like this, the case at the Polda has been withdrawn to the Bareskrim, it has been submitted," said National Police Daily Chief (Kompolnas) Benny Mamoto to reporters, Wednesday, July 20.

The decision to handle this case was withdrawn to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police based on the results of the case title. Kompolnas is one of the parties involved in this case.

In this case, there were at least two police reports (LP) which served as the basis for the investigation. First, regarding the alleged attempted murder. The second concerns the threat of violence against women.

The reason for withdrawing the case, said Benny, was to make the investigation process more effective. This is intended so that all processes prioritize scientific crime investigation or scientific-based investigations according to the order of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"To facilitate the handling process, because this is a linked case and of course it is hoped that here it will be much more effective because it will be supported by adequate personnel and also support for scientific crime investigation," said Benny.

The investigation into the bloody incident that killed Brigadier J has been upgraded to the investigative stage. In fact, at this time the handling of this case was withdrawn to the Polda Metro Jaya.

"Yes (the case of Brigadier J is under investigation, ed) according to what was conveyed by the National Police Chief," the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

In this case, there were two police reports (LP) which served as the basis for the investigation. First, regarding the alleged attempted murder. The second concerns the threat of violence against women.

In fact, Dedi said that this bloody incident is no longer being investigated by the South Jakarta Metro Police. Because, the handling has been withdrawn to the Polda Metro Jaya.

"To Polda Metro Jaya for the fingerprinting process (investigation, red) Bareskrim carry out assistance," said Dedi.

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