
JAKARTA - The family of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J asked the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to form an independent team. The goal is to re-do the autopsy process by involving parties outside the Police.

"We ask the National Police Chief to form an independent team that involves other doctors," said Brigadier J's family lawyer, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak to reporters, Wednesday, July 20.

The reason behind this request is because the family does not believe the autopsy results that have been presented by the Police.

Because of that, Kamaruddin suggested that Brigadier J's autopsy process should be carried out again by a team of doctors from the RSPAD, RSCM, or other hospitals. Thus, transparency in handling cases will be guaranteed.

"We reject and protest yesterday's result because of its credibility. We ask that a new team be formed so that it is legal and trustworthy. So that its credibility can be trusted and authentic, a new one is formed," he said.

Regarding the cost issue, Kamaruddin is willing to bear it. As long as the process is transparent.

In the process, a team of family lawyers will apply for an exhumation. So, it is hoped that a re-autopsy will be carried out again.

"About the costs, if the government or the Indonesian state has no money, I will bear the costs for justice," said Kamaruddin.

The National Police previously invited Brigadier J's family to apply for an exhumation or grave digging for justice. That way, later the body can be autopsied again.

"So communication with investigators, investigators is open and welcomes lawyers, family parties to carry out or file an exhumation," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

This request for exhumation must be submitted by the family to the investigator. The goal, as an administrative requirement in the process of investigation and investigation

"This is in accordance with the commitment of the National Police Chief that the investigation process will be carried out as openly as possible, as transparently as possible, and the investigation process must comply with the principles of scientific crime investigation, that is something that must be done," he said.

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