
JAKARTA - Dinalara Butar-butar, the attorney for the inactive Bogor Regent, Ade Yasin, has asked for his client to be released. He assessed that the indictment from the KPK prosecutor was not careful when reading the memorandum of objection or exception at the Bandung Tipikor District Court, West Java, Wednesday, July 20.

"Events that show that the prosecutor's indictment is inaccurate, unclear and incomplete. Because this is not described in the indictment, it results in the prosecutor's indictment being blurred, which results in the prosecutor's indictment being null and void," he said.

Dinalara conveyed seven points of request to the judge for the charges he considered inaccurate, namely accepting the defendant's objection in its entirety, declaring the public prosecutor's (KPU) indictment to be inaccurate, declaring the prosecutor's indictment null and void.

Then, asking the judge to release the defendant from all charges, release the defendant from detention, restore the defendant's good name, and charge the state court fees.

He said that the KPK dragged his client into the bribery case of the West Java Representative Audit Agency, without completing any evidence.

"In the indictment, there is no mention of the prosecutor regarding the findings of the KPK investigators' wiretapping of the conversation between Defendant AY to commit the criminal act of corruption as charged," he said, according to Antara.

According to him, referring to Article 17 of the Criminal Code, the arrest of a person suspected of committing a crime needs to be accompanied by sufficient preliminary evidence, namely at least two valid pieces of evidence.

The reason is, after the arrest, the KPK announced that the pick-up of Ade Yasin as a witness at the official residence on April 27, 2022, was an event of a red-handed operation.

"The prosecutor did not explain in his indictment what two sufficient pieces of evidence the KPK had so that the defendant had to be OTT," he said.

Previously, Ade Yasin was accused by the KPK prosecutor of giving bribes of Rp. 1.9 billion to win the WTP opinion title. KPK prosecutor Budiman Abdul Karib said the bribes were given to four employees of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) who have also become suspects in the case.

"So it is seen as an act of continuing to give or promise something, namely giving money in the total amount of Rp. 1,935,000,000 to civil servants or state officials," said Karib.

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