
BANDUNG - The attorney for the inactive Bogor Regent Ade Yasin, Dinalara Butar Butar said that the KPK dragged his client into the bribery case of the West Java Representative Audit Board (BPK) without completing any evidence.

"In the indictment there is no mention of the prosecutor (prosecutor) regarding the findings of the KPK investigators' wiretapping of the conversation carried out by defendant AY to commit a criminal act of corruption as charged," he said when reading the exception at the second trial, at the Corruption Court in Bandung, West Java. reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 20.

According to him, referring to Article 17 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), the arrest of a person suspected of committing a crime needs to be accompanied by sufficient initial evidence, namely at least two valid pieces of evidence.

The reason is, after the arrest, the KPK announced the pick-up of Ade Yasin as a witness at the official residence on April 27, 2022 as an event of a hand arrest operation (OTT).

"The prosecutor did not explain in his indictment what two sufficient pieces of evidence the KPK had, so that the defendant had to be OTT," said Dinalara.

Another attorney for Ade Yasin, Roynal Pasaribu, asked the judges to highlight the quality of the indictments presented by the Public Prosecutor. Because according to him there are many irregularities, so the team of attorneys filed an objection.

"Is it in accordance with legal norms, facts and evidence of actual events, or is the formulation of the offense in the indictment only an 'imaginary' or 'fable' that can corner the defendant," he said in a hearing led by the chairman of the panel of judges Hera Kartiningsih. .

According to him, Ade Yasin was not involved in the practice of giving money by Ihsan Ayatullah as Head of the Regional Treasury Sub Division of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Bogor Regency to West Java Representative BPK employees.

He suspects that Ihsan took advantage of the momentum to seek profit from the difference in money collected from ASN and service providers, then only gave part of the money to BPK employees.

"It should be suspected that Ihsan Ayatullah took advantage of this situation to enrich himself. So this proves that there is no subordination from the Regent to Ihsan Ayatullah," said Roynal.

In this second trial, Ade Yasin was again not presented in the trial which was held in the Courtroom I Kusuma Atmadja, but online from the KPK Detention Center (Rutan), Jakarta.

Previously, Ade Yasin was accused by the KPK prosecutors of giving bribes of Rp. 1.9 billion to win the Unqualified Opinion (WTP) predicate.

KPK prosecutor Budiman Abdul Karib said the bribes were given to four BPK employees who have also become suspects in the case.

"So it is seen as an act of continuing to give or promise something, namely giving money in the total amount of Rp. 1,935,000,000 to civil servants or state officials," said Budiman.

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