
SOLOK - The discovery of traces of the Sumatran tiger has shocked residents in Nagari Hang Ciri, Kubung District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra. The traces were found in the plantation area of the local community.

The head of the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Solok Regency, Afrilius, confirmed that there had been a wildlife conflict in the form of a Sumatran tiger entering a resident's garden in Jorong Beringin Nagari Hang Ciri, Kubung District, Solok Regency.

"It was reported from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning, July 16, 2022. There were residents who saw the tiger carrying its cub and some reported hearing its roar," he said in Solok, Antara, Tuesday, July 19.

On Saturday, July 16, residents who have gardens conducted a sweep and indeed found traces of tigers.

Then on Saturday night around 21.00 WIB until 24.00 WIB the residents who gardened at the location along with the conservation group that had been formed and led by the Nagari Wali Hendri Yudha held a meeting.

"The meeting was held in order to anticipate the fall of victims who were supervised and educated by us from the BKSDA via telephone and WA," he said.

He further explained that on Monday the WRU and TKW Barisan Solok teams carried out identification and verification at the location of the wildlife conflict.

In addition, the team from the West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) together with the Solok Resort Police have also carried out monitoring in the area.

The West Sumatra BKSDA team also conducted socialization and education for the residents of Nagari Hang Ciri in the meeting room of the Nagari mayor's office and in the field or locations of Sumatran Tiger wildlife conflicts.

The BKSDA team will look for ways to deal with the tigers, whether by explosions and sounds or by making traps.

Afrilius appealed to residents who farmed around the location to be more careful in their activities. "Don't go to the fields alone. When you go to the fields, more than two people always go to minimize unwanted things," he said.

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