
MEDAN - Two men who stole iron from the GKPI Church on Jalan Danau Tempe, East Binjai District, Binjai City, North Sumatra, were arrested by the police.

The Head of Public Relations of the Binjai Police, Iptu Junaidi, said the two perpetrators who were arrested had the initials MSWH (27) and his 16-year-old colleague. Meanwhile, another perpetrator with the initials EM is still being chased by the police.

Iptu Junaidi explained that the theft was discovered when the complainant saw the church gate missing from the WhatsApp group. After that, the reporter immediately checked into the church.

"When he arrived at the church, the reporter saw that it was true that the gate of the church was no longer there," said Iptu Junaidi, Tuesday, July 19.

Based on an agreement with the GKPI KM 18 church congregation, this incident was reported to the Binjai Timur Police with Police Report Number: LP/B/58/VII/2022/SPKT/East Binjai Police/Polres Binjai/Polda Sumut, July 12, 2022.

"For this incident, the GKPI church management suffered a loss of Rp. 6 million," he explained.

From the investigation, the police identified the perpetrators. The perpetrator was arrested on Jalan Danau Laut Tawar on Monday, July 18.

"Arriving at the object, the officers saw a 16-year-old perpetrator in the middle of the field. At that time the officers immediately secured him," continued Iptu Junaidi.

When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted all his actions. "Furthermore, we managed to apprehend the MWSH perpetrators. Meanwhile, the EM perpetrators are still being chased," said Iptu Junaidi.

The two perpetrators admitted to stealing the iron fence and selling it for Rp. 320 thousand. The two suspects were detained at the East Binjai Police Station.

"To be held accountable for his actions and charged with Article 363 paragraph 1 3 (e) and 4 (e) of the Criminal Code," he concluded.

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