
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency (DLH) has integrated an information system on motor vehicle emission tests to a number of agencies in the context of implementing fines.

"We are targeting that before December 2022 the emission test fines can be applied in Jakarta," said Head of the DKI Environmental Agency Asep Kuswanto in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, July 19.

The agencies that have integrated the motor vehicle emission test information system include the DKI Regional Revenue Agency (Bappenda), the police, and the parking manager in Jakarta.

The amount of fines for motorized vehicles that have not carried out the emission test or have not passed the emission test is currently still being discussed by the Central Government.

Later, the coefficient of fines from the total Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) can be used for road maintenance.

DKI DLH increases the number of emission test sites, including adding test equipment and technicians so that the community is served.

Currently, the number of four-wheel vehicle emission test workshops has reached 319 and two-wheeled workshops have reached 92.

To date, 674 thousand four-wheeled vehicles have carried out emission tests and 59 thousand motorcycles have been emissions tested.

The number of technicians for emission testing for four-wheeled vehicles is 892 people and for two-wheelers is 174 technicians.

Asep explained that the fine was applied in accordance with Article 206 of Government Regulation (PP) Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management.

In paragraph 3 of the article it is stated that the fulfillment of emission quality standards is used as the basis for imposing motor vehicle tax rates (PKB).

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