
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Air Force has confirmed that First Lieutenant Pnb Allan Safitra Indra Wahyudi, the pilot of the T-50i Golden Eagle TT-5009 plane that crashed in Nginggil village, Kradenan Blora, Central Java, on Monday evening, July 18, died.

First Lieutenant Pnb Allan is a flight officer who graduated from the AAU in 2015 and the Indonesian Air Force Aviation School in 2017. First Lieutenant Pnb Allan left a wife who just married in 2021.

First Lieutenant Pnb Allan Safitra Indra Wahyudi had an accident while undergoing night flight training, quoted from the Indonesian Air Force's official website.

The TT-5009 aircraft that was flown made the last radio contact at 19.07 WIB, and was finally reported to have crashed. The wreckage of the plane was reported by regional officials in Nginggil village, Kradenan, Blora, Central Java.

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Blora Regency, Central Java, participated in deploying a rapid reaction team (TRC) to assist in the evacuation of the T-50i Golden Eagle aircraft in a forest area, Nginggil Village, Kradenan. They together with a joint team carried out the search and evacuation. On Tuesday (19/7) at 01.00 WIB the search was stopped and continued in the morning. The Head of the Kradenan Polres Blora Police AKP Lilik Eko Sukaryono added that the location of the plane crash could only be by motorbike. Meanwhile, the distance from residential areas, he said, was around 5 kilometers are in the Ngawi Forest Management Unit (KPH).

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