
JATENG - The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) will conduct an investigation to investigate the cause of the crash of the T50i Golden Eagle TT-5009 plane that crashed in Nginggil Village, Kradenan Blora, Central Java (Central Java), on Monday night July 18. Aerospace Industry collaborated with Lockheed Martin, First Lieutenant Pnb Allan Safitra Indra Wahyudi died. "Currently, the Indonesian Air Force has also formed an Aircraft Accident Investigation Committee (PPKPU) to investigate the causes of the crash," said the head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service. (Kadispenau) Marsma TNI Indan Gilang in a press release, Tuesday, July 19. The plane crash left deep sorrow. Not only for the family, grief is also felt by all ranks of the Indonesian Air Force in particular and the TNI as well as the Indonesian people in general. According to him, the flight officer who graduated from the AAU in 2015 and the Air Force Aviation School in 2017 died while carrying out night flight training duties. His departure left behind a wife. who just got married in 2021. "Pnb First Lieutenant Allan Safitra Indra Wahyudi had an accident while undergoing night flight training. The TT-5009 plane that was flown, made the last radio contact at 19.07 WIB, and finally it was reported to have crashed," said Indan, obtained from Antara.

The wreckage of the plane was reported by regional officials to be in Nginggil village, Kradenan, Blora Regency, Central Java. Until this morning, the team was still evacuating and securing the location. The Indonesian Air Force expressed gratitude for the participation of regional officials and the community in the evacuation and security process at the scene.

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