
MEDAN - The process of revitalizing the Teladan Stadium is still ongoing. The financing scheme (budget use) is still being discussed. Because some of the costs used to revitalize the pride of the Medan City residents use the state budget, while others use the regional budget.

This is inseparable because the revitalization design carried out is not only limited to the stadium, but also the facilities and the area.

"We have coordinated with the Ministry of Sports (Kemenpora) and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). Alhamdulillah, yesterday about a month ago, the Kemenpora had brought a letter of recommendation to the Ministry of PUPR. Because technical development remains the responsibility of PUPR, while the Ministry of Youth and Sports provides recommendations," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, Monday, July 18.

With the PUPR Ministry, Bobby said, it had also been coordinated when PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono accompanied President Joko Widodo on a working visit to Medan City some time ago.

"I have conveyed the progress of the construction of the Exemplary Stadium. The sharing financing scheme, partly uses the state budget, partly the Medan city budget, such as the construction of a tidal levee in Medan Belawan," he explained.

At this time, Bobby explained, it is being discussed which uses the APBN, which uses the APBD. In addition to the stadium, he added, the field, facilities for players such as locker rooms and all kinds, including the capacity of the audience are the parts that will be revitalized.

Regarding the audience capacity, which was previously only able to accommodate 15 thousand spectators, he said, based on the design, it will increase to 30 thousand to 35 thousand spectators.

"In addition to the stadium, based on the design, revitalization is also carried out on the facilities and the area," he said.

Bobby Nasution said that the purpose of the revitalization was to make the Teladan Stadium better so that the people who use it will feel more satisfied and comfortable. However, he reminded, of course there must be rules that are met to use government assets, including the Teladan Stadium.

“This rule is not a rule on behalf of Bobby Nasution, but Regional Regulation (Perda) No.3/2016. This regulation is old and there are retributions. So to use government assets, there are rules that must be met. Moreover, the assets used can make PAD for Medan City. That's the point, we only enforce the Perda, not only PSMS but other clubs that want to use it must follow the Perda," he explained.

Bobby Nasution then explained that all ranks of the Medan City Government are currently committed to safeguarding all their assets.

"Whatever the asset, we will take care of it. Assets that can increase PAD, we really have to make them a contributor to PAD, including the Exemplary Stadium," he said.

In addition to the Teladan Stadium, Bobby also conveyed a plan to revitalize the Kebun Bunga Stadium.

“This (the revitalization of the Flower Garden Stadium) is still a plan. Hopefully, Medan City's budget is sufficient to revitalize it. If the Kebun Bunga Stadium is revitalized, automatically the mess used by PSMS will also be revitalized to make it even better," he concluded.

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