
JAKARTA - Inspector General Ferdy Sambo has officially been temporarily removed from his position as Head of the Propam Division. The reason behind this dismissal is so that the handling of the case of the death of Brigadier J alias Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat can be objective.

"Of course, we can also maintain that what we have done so far is related to the issue of commitment to maintaining objectivity, transparency and accountability, we can really maintain," said National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo to reporters, Monday, July 18.

In addition, the removal of this two-star general is so that the series of investigations and investigations that are currently underway can run well.

So, no party thinks badly in the investigation process. Then, can make light of the events that occurred.

"We see that there are news speculations that have emerged, which of course will have an impact on the investigation process that we are currently conducting," said Sigit.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo temporarily removed Inspector General Ferdy Sambo from his position as Head of the Propam Division.

"Tonight we have decided for Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo to temporarily deactivate his position," said Sigit.

For information, the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, is in the spotlight following the death of Brigadier J due to a shootout with Bharada RE.

This is because the location of Brigadier J's death was a shelter for Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. In addition, Brigadier J and Bharada RE, who are said to have been involved in the shootout, were aides to Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

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