
GORONTALO - The Acting Governor of Gorontalo Hamka Hendra Noer asked all regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to immediately implement electronic signatures (TTE).

According to him, TTE in the local government is important to be applied to answer the challenges of digitalization. This was conveyed by Hamka when opening the "Socialization on the Application of Electronic Signatures" in Gorontalo, Monday, July 18.

“Electronic signatures are very important. We must be able to adapt to technological developments or information developments that are currently engulfing all sides of our lives. Therefore, I think this TTE is the most appropriate substance to provide services to the community," he said, according to Antara.

Hamka gave an example, when the OPD leadership is busy or outside the region and cannot sign directly, even though there is an urgent need to be resolved, then the solution is TTE.

"I ask that after this socialization, electronic signatures must be implemented by all provincial and district/city OPDs so that the wheels of government run well and services to the community are faster, more effective, and efficient," he said.

Public services, he continued, should not be hampered by things whose solutions are already available, such as TTE.

Head of the Gorontalo Province Kominfo and Statistics Office Masran Rauf explained that this activity aims to provide understanding to all parties regarding the application of digital signatures from an administrative, technical, and legal perspective.

According to him, the provincial government has implemented TTE which has been certified since 2018, but its implementation has not been maximized.

The Gorontalo Provincial Government OPDs that have implemented electronic signatures are the Regional Personnel Agency, the Communications and Informatics Service, the Education and Training Agency, the PMSDM Transmigration Service, the Inspectorate, the Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Office.

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