
JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives for the West Java electoral district, Intan Fauzi, assessed that Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris' proposal for Depok to join Greater Jakarta did not have much urgency. Because according to him, economically the Depok area is quite integrated with the DKI area.

"In many ways, including economically, areas such as Depok have been integrated with DKI. Thus, the discourse on merging Depok City with DKI Jakarta is not too urgent," said Intan to reporters, Sunday, July 17.

Moreover, the PAN Legislator for West Java Region VI Depok and Bekasi City explained that the process of merging Depok City to DKI requires a long process. Because, he said, there needs to be a law that must be discussed in the DPR RI first.

"The mechanism for merging one city with another must be discussed in the DPR RI and then passed into law," explained Intan. In addition, this member of the DPR PAN faction added, the process of merging the City of Depok to Greater Jakarta requires a referendum process through a third party, namely with the people.

"By merging Depok to DKI, there is a process that must be passed, including through a third party referendum, in this case the community," he explained.

Not to mention the question of the mechanism for selecting the Mayor of Depok which is different from the Mayor in the DKI area. Where, the Mayor of Depok is elected by the people of Depok City through general elections. This, said Intan, is different from the position of the Mayor in Jakarta who was appointed by the Governor of DKI Jakarta. "This means, if Depok joins DKI, the regional head or mayor will be chosen and appointed by the governor and Depok will not have a city-level council," concluded Intan. Previously, the Mayor of Depok, Mohammad Idris, proposed that his area be included in the Greater Jakarta area. Idris also asked other areas around Jakarta to be integrated into Greater Jakarta.

According to Idris, the proposal to merge the area around Jakarta into Greater Jakarta is related to the existence of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan.

"This has to be straightened out in the understanding of Greater Jakarta, that the issue I raised is related to the implementation of the IKN Law," said Idris.

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