
JAKARTA - The captain of KM Artha Mina 22, Abing, said that his ship escaped the fire accident of KM Mina Artha Utama 11, on Friday July 15, after the front and rear anchors of the ship tied to the ship's tether were severed.

"At that time our ship was in a docked position and there was thick smoke in the chimney of KM Artha Mina Utama 11 when I walked towards the stern of the ship, but for the time being it is not known what caused the fire," Abing told Antara in Dobo, Saturday, July 16.

This ship fire accident occurred at around 11:15 WIT, so the captain of KM Artha Mina 22 immediately shouted at the crew of KM Mina Artha Utama 11 that their ship had caught fire.

Abing also ordered the crew to break the fore and aft anchor ropes tied to the moorings to prevent the fire from spreading to the ship.

Moreover, this disaster occurred during strong winds, so it must be anticipated that the flames did not spread to KM Mina Utama 22.

A few minutes after the accident, the SAR team using a speedboat belonging to KPLP from Yos Sudarso Dobo Harbor arrived at the scene and evacuated the crew of KM Arta Mina 11 to the port for questioning.

The KSPO UPP Class III Dobo officer, Wellem Paplaya, separately said that the fishing vessel came from Jakarta, but the fishing ground was in the Aru Islands.

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