
BUKITTINGGI - The Attorney General's Office for Arresting Fugitives (Tabur) has arrested a fugitive in a suspected corruption case of misappropriation of grant funds from the Bukittinggi City Government for the 2012 fiscal year.

The suspect with the initials DK (43) who has been included in the People's Wanted List (DPO) of the Bukittinggi District Attorney's Office, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) since 2020 was arrested in the Gambir area, DKI Jakarta, on Friday, July 15.

DK was then flown to West Sumatra via the Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) on Saturday at around 18.35 WIB.

"After being arrested by the AGO team, we from the Bukittinggi Kejari immediately sent a team to pick up the suspect to Jakarta," said Head of the Bukittinggi Attorney General's Office, Ferizal, accompanied by Section Heads and the West Sumatra Attorney General's Office at BIM Padangpariaman, Antara, Saturday, July 16.

Arriving at BIM Padangpariaman, DK was immediately put on the prosecutor's prison vest to be taken to Bukittinggi using the Bukittinggi Kejari prison car.

He revealed that DK is one of the suspects in the alleged corruption case of misappropriation of grant funds from the Bukittinggi City Government, in the 2012 budget year with a loss value of around Rp. 200 million.

The suspect DK (pink vest) was escorted by the prosecutor's team upon landing at BIM Padangpariaman from Jakarta,

The funds were distributed by the City Government through the local city's Youth and Sports Education Office to a youth organization, namely the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) Bukittinggi.

The case is known to have been processed by the Bukittinggi Kejari since 2018, even one of the suspects besides the DK has been tried and is now a convict.

However, the legal process against DK, who was the former chairman of the Bukittinggi KNPI in 2012, was delayed because the whereabouts of the person concerned was unknown, the Adhyaksa Corps then named him a fugitive.

Two years was not enough, the AGO's Intelligence team finally detected DK's presence in the Gambir area, DKI Jakarta, then made an arrest on Friday (15/7).

Ferizal, who was accompanied by the Head of the General Crimes Section, Yarnes, as the head of the investigation team for the misappropriation of KNPI grant funds, said the suspect was immediately taken from the airport to Bukittinggi City.

"The suspect will be examined for health first, then entrusted to the State Detention Center (Rutan) in Bukittinggi," he explained.

He further explained that the Padang Kejari Investigator team will continue the legal process against the DK so that the case can be heard immediately.

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