
JAKARTA - Dozens of traders' stalls on the shores of Somandeng and Pulangsyawal beaches, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, were damaged by being hit by sea waves with a height of between three and five meters.

Tepus police chief AKP Jarwanto in Gunung Kidul, Saturday, July 16, said the tidal wave had occurred since 10.00 WIB. As a result, a number of buildings on the shoreline were damaged.

"These sea waves caused damage to buildings on the shoreline, and even some belongings belonging to traders were carried away by the current and could not be saved," said Juwarto, quoted from Antara.

Currently, personnel from the Tepus Police and SAR Linmas I Gunung Kidul are on full alert to supervise tourists.

High waves hit Indrayanti Beach, Sadranan Beach, Sundak, Panjang and Kukup Beach.

"We urge tourists not to play on the lips of the sea and enjoy the waves from afar. This is for the safety of the tourists themselves," he said

Meanwhile, Tanjungsari Police Chief AKP Wawan Anggoro appealed to tourists visiting beach attractions in Gunung Kidul to be careful because there were high waves crashing into this area.

He said high waves hit the south coast with a height of about 3-5 meters. This condition is predicted to occur in the next two to three days.

"We ask tourists to be careful and always obey the advice of police officers, search and rescue or tourism managers," he said.

He also appealed to the fishermen of Baron Beach to evacuate the ships so as not to hit the waves, causing damage.

"We also urge fishermen not to go to sea until the sea waves return to normal," he said.

Secretary of the SAR Satlinmas Region II Gunung Kidul Surisdiyanto said the tidal wave this morning until this afternoon caused damage to ships and traders' stalls.

The data on Pulangsyawal Beach, also known as Indriyanti, caused damage to chairs and dining tables in restaurants.

For other damage in the Drini coastal area, the special Satlinmas Rescue ship was broken and the hull broke.

Sapon's fishing boat, the hull of the ship broke and at Drini Beach there were two stalls affected.

"Furthermore, on Baron Beach there were six ships with light to heavy damage," said Surisdiyanto.

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