
MEDAN - Malang is the fate of a 4-year-old girl in Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. Because not only abandoned by his biological mother, the boy was also tortured by his aunt and molested by his uncle.

Belawan Port Deputy Police Chief Kompol Sukarman said the victim's depraved act was first discovered after the Hamparan Perak Police received information from the public on Thursday, July 7.

At first, it was revealed that the victim was molested by his uncle, Isa and his friend Aldo. As a result of the abuse, the victim became sick and was taken to the Puskesmas in Hamparan Perak District.

Obtaining this information, the Hamparan Perak Police then contacted the PPA unit. The Head of the PPA, Ipda Sostati, checked and it was true that child abuse had occurred.

"The police then investigated this case and succeeded in arresting 2 perpetrators in Klumpang Kampung Village, Hamparan Perak District, Tuesday, June 12," said Kompol Sukarman, Friday, July 15.

However, when arrested, the perpetrator Aldo tried to fight the officers. As a result, the officer was forced to shoot him in the leg.

"The suspect Aldo fought back and tried to run away, so decisive action was taken to get his leg," he said.

When interrogated, the perpetrators admitted that the depraved act was carried out on Thursday, July 7th. At that time, the victim's uncle's lust rose when he saw his clothes being exposed.

"Then the uncle of the victim Isa asked Aldo to commit sexual immorality," he explained.

Currently, the two suspects are undergoing a further investigation process at the Belawan Harbor Police Station. As a result of their actions, the two perpetrators face up to 5 years in prison.

Meanwhile, Belawan Police Chief AKBP Faisal Rahmat explained, the police found new findings after investigating the case.

From the results of the investigation, it is known that the victim has been neglected since 2021 by his biological mother named Wartini (35). The poor boy was then raised by his mother's older brother named Asmara (37). When raised by her aunt, the victim was mistreated.

The suspicion of abuse was first revealed when the police checked the victim at the hospital. At that time, the PPA Unit found scars such as being lit, cigarettes in several parts of the victim's body.

"So that an investigation was carried out and information was obtained regarding the abuse carried out by the victim's mother's sister," said AKBP Faisal.

AKBP Faisal explained that currently both of them have been detained in cases of assault and neglect of victims.

"Meanwhile, the suspects Watini and Asmara are currently still in the process of further investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit PPA Unit," he said.

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