
JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Criminal Investigation, AKBP Joko Dwi Harsono, revealed the motive of KH (48), a security guard at a luxury apartment in West Jakarta, who harassed SF (22), an expedition employee.

According to Joko, based on the investigation conducted by investigators, KH likes and even lusts for the victim. So, continued Joko, he was desperate to do this.

"So he (KH) is passionate about the victim because he has liked her for a long time," Joko told reporters at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, July 15.

"The perpetrator is older, senior. Then he has also worked there for a long time. An old person. While this victim is a new employee there. Only 3 months working. His office is next door," continued Joko.

Joko also said that KH abused SF on Wednesday, June 29, at 16.18 WIB. Initially, Joko said, KH held onto the shoulder, touched, and finally kissed the victim's lips.

However, Joko confirmed that this was the first time the perpetrator had done this to the victim.

"Starting groping the victim to kissing the lips. The victim, who feels uncomfortable, reports the perpetrator to the West Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

"At that moment, there was an opportunity. So he did. If he likes it for a long time. Only his behavior is often close to often asking for a chat," he added.

The victim, who felt uncomfortable, reported the incident to the West Jakarta Metro Police. So that in less than 24 hours the perpetrator was arrested on Jalan Bojong Raya, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

"On the same day the perpetrator was arrested by the police," he explained

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 6 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 12 of 2022 concerning the crime of sexual violence or Article 289 of the Criminal Code and or Article 335 of the Criminal Code with a threat of up to 5 years in prison.

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